Robyn Schiff
Department of English Language and Literature and the College
Robyn Schiff is the author of four poetry collections: Worth (University of Iowa Press, 2002), Revolver (University of Iowa Press, 2008), A Woman of Property (Penguin, 2016), and Information Desk: An Epic (Penguin, 2023). She has been a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Her work has been named best book of the year by The New Yorker and the Chicago Tribune, and was an Editors’ Choice at The New York Times. She co-edits Canarium Books, an independent small press dedicated to publishing exceptional books of poetry, and was the recipient of the 2023 Joseph Brodsky Rome Prize, a gift of the Drue Heinz Trust, at the American Academy in Rome.
Her work has appeared in Harper’s Magazine, The Yale Review, American Poetry Review, The New Yorker, Bennington Review, The New Republic, Boston Review, and elsewhere.
Schiff completed a BA in liberal arts at Sarah Lawrence College, an MFA in poetry at the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and an MA in medieval studies at the University of Bristol.